In recent years, our company has implemented the following projects co-financed by the European Union:
1. Project's name: "Creation and development of micro-enterprises” – measure co-financed from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development; Operational Program– Rural Development Program for 2007 – 2013. The program was an important project implemented by the Agency for Development and Modernization of Agriculture, addressed to natural and legal persons undertaking or conducting economic activity, aimed at increasing rural areas’ economic competitiveness, development of entrepreneurship and the labour market.
The most important machines purchased under the project are:
The total eligible costs under the implemented project amounted to PLN 596,136.
The eligible costs refinanced from the European Union funds amounted to PLN 294,936.
2. Project's name: "Manufacture of high-quality forged products with thermomechanical processing of advanced steel grades" – action co-financed from the European Fund of Regional Development – Priority Axis: 4. Investment in innovative ventures; Measure: 4.3 Technological credit under the Innovative Economy Operational Program for 2007-2013. The program allowed small and medium-sized enterprises to obtain external funds in order to undertake investment activities in the field of new and innovative technologies introduction.
The most important machines purchased under the project are:
The total eligible costs under the implemented project amounted to PLN 2,015,000.
The eligible costs refinanced from the European Union funds amounted to PLN 1,007,500.